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Prize of Excellence

CODS rewards outstanding achievement in open and distance education through the Prize of Excellence award for both individuals and institutions.

Nominations for the award are invited from CODS members, who are asked to provide a statement of support for their nominee.

Winners are selected by an independent, international panel, and decisions to award the prize are based on merit alone with no political or cultural considerations being made.

The CODS Prize of Excellence is awarded to deserving institutions and individuals in the following areas:

1- The Institutional

This prize is awarded to an institution for significant contribution to the field. This relates particularly to leadership and innovation through mainstream developments, which contribute to the continuing enhancement of distance and online learning. These achievements should represent a very significant contribution to the international open and distance learning community over the past five years, across cultural and linguistic barriers.

2- The Individual Prize of Excellence

This prize is awarded for significant contribution to the field over the past five years. The prize will focus on rewarding innovation and progress in the field, as well as significant contribution to the international open and distance learning community.

The Individual Prize of Excellence may also be awarded to individuals who have shown great leadership and excellence in the work of an open and distance learning association at national, regional or global level over the past five years, and who have moved the international cooperation within open and distance learning forward in a decisive manner.

3- The Prize for Lifelong Contribution to the Field

This prize is awarded for significant contribution to the field throughout the nominee’s career. These lifelong achievements should represent a significant contribution to the international open and distance learning community.

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