-> Go Home The Council of Distance Studies is the leading membership organization for the global open and distance education community.
Significance of Distance Education

In preparing to enter the next century, educators of adults face the challenge of serving a professionals population and society that is increasingly diverse. Moving into the next century, the adult student population is expected to be the fastest growing segment of higher education and, in fact, older students will constitute the majority. While distance education is already a fact of life for most Institutes and an increasing number of community colleges, knowing the intrinsic problems and overcoming them will be critical to successful implementation of distance programs by CODS on a larger scale in the future. In distance learning students and teachers will find themselves playing different roles than is the norm in traditional education. The teacher is no longer the sole source of knowledge but instead becomes a facilitator to support student learning, while the student actively participates in what and how knowledge is imparted. More than any other teaching method, distance learning requires a collaborative effort between student and teacher, unbounded by the traditional limits of time, space, and single-instructor effort.

We at CODS are dedicated to continuously implement new method of Learning with the help of our members to take the experience of distances learning and distance Learners to whole new dimensions.

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